Dave Owens joins the Advisory Board of XPRISE WILDFIRE

Dave Owens, Managing Director at Risk-e Business, has been chosen for the Advisory Board of XPRISE WILDFIRE. This 4-year global challenge will distribute $11 million in prizes to teams that create groundbreaking technologies aimed at curbing the devastating impact of wildfires.

Powered by XPRIZE, a global leader in curating incentive-driven competitions addressing humanity's pressing concerns, this competition is all about backing visionaries who wish to enhance wildfire detection, characterisation, and swift interventions, preventing them from causing large-scale destruction.

Teams passionate about robotics, ML/AI, remote sensing, engineering, space systems should check out details on competition dynamics, timelines, registration, and significant milestones on the XPRISE website.


Enhancing Greenwood Hotel's Event Management with Tailored Risk Management Plan


Risk-e Business delivers desktop exercise in Orange with the Department of Primary Industries