Biosecurity Risk Management & Preparedness

Protect your business, your stakeholders, and the community.

Biosecurity threats, from emerging infectious diseases to biological contaminants, pose a significant risk to organisations, particularly those in the agricultural and food industries.

Our Biosecurity Risk Management & Preparedness services help you identify, assess, and mitigate these risks. We work with you to establish comprehensive biosecurity protocols, improve system resilience, and prepare effective response strategies.

Our multidisciplinary team was appointed as Deputy Incident Controller for a NSW biosecurity incident. Our expertise in public health and risk management ensures your biosecurity measures are robust, comprehensive and compliant with the latest regulations and standards.

Whether it's a risk assessment of your supply chain, biosecurity training for your team, or developing a crisis response or Business Continuity plan, we provide all the tools you need to protect your business and the wider community from biosecurity threats.

Our Biosecurity Risk Management services include:

  • Risk Assessment

    We perform detailed biosecurity risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities in your organisation or supply chain. We evaluate potential threats, their likelihood, and potential impact, helping you prioritise your risk mitigation efforts.

  • Compliance Review

    Our team ensures your biosecurity measures are in compliance with the latest regulations and industry standards. This includes local, national and international regulations, industry-specific guidelines, and best practices in biosecurity.

  • Biosecurity Protocols

    We help establish comprehensive biosecurity protocols to prevent, detect, and respond to biosecurity threats. This includes hygiene and disinfection practices, pest management, waste disposal, and more.

  • Training & Awareness

    We provide biosecurity training for your team to ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in maintaining biosecurity. We can provide training on specific threats, biosecurity practices, response and recovery procedures.

  • Crisis Response Planning

    We help develop effective response strategies for potential biosecurity incidents. This includes contingency planning, crisis communication strategies, and recovery plans.

  • Ongoing Support

    We provide ongoing support to keep your biosecurity measures updated with the latest threats and regulations. We offer periodic reviews, updates to your biosecurity protocols, and refresher training sessions.

Our Biosecurity specialists:

Our recent Biosecurity Preparedness work:

Need to fortify your organisation against biosecurity threats?