Executive Crisis & Leadership Coaching

Lead with confidence and resolve during times of crisis.

Lead with confidence and resolve during times of crisis.

Executives need to continually prepare and hone their skills, as they move to the next level within an organisation or to ensure they reach their peak. Risk-e Business Consultants will assist you at your current level and prepare you for the next step, whilst ensuring confidentiality at all times.

At some point in their career, all senior managers and executives will receive that dreaded 3am phone call informing them that something significant has gone wrong.

In some instances, the issue can be dealt with quickly. However in most cases, it heralds a series of events that could threaten the existence of the organisation.

At this time, the decisions you make, the instructions you give, and the manner in which they are given become vitally important.

Managing a crisis or emergency requires a vastly different set of skills to ordinary management. This is where we come in.

We work on Executive Presence, Resilience and Leadership Mastery.

Executive Presence includes your communication and influencing skills and the narrative about you. You will work with a resilience mentor to increase your capability to use your resilience effectively. Leadership Mastery will be provided through exposure to the latest leadership thinking from a leadership mentor.

Our Executive Crisis & Leadership Coaching services include:

  • Crisis Coaching

    We work with clients before, during and after a crisis occurs. We ensure you have systems and processes in place, ensuring portfolios are established before the crisis occurs, and that you are strategically based in your thinking.

  • On-Call Support

    When the crisis occurs, you will be able to speak directly with us to ensure you get the right advice when you need it. Even if it’s only as a sounding board for your course of action, it helps to talk with someone who has already been there.

  • Personalised Coaching Plan

    We offer a custom coaching plan, uniquely tailored to your leadership style and your organisational needs. All verbal advice is followed up in writing along with additional recommendations or action plans (if required). We ensure integrity and confidentiality throughout the entire process.

  • Communication Strategies

    We focus on strengthening communication skills, ensuring clear, effective messages during crises.

  • Decision-Making Under Pressure

    Our coaching equips leaders with the ability to make sound decisions under high-pressure situations.

  • Emotional Intelligence Training

    We provide tools to enhance emotional intelligence, a critical factor in leading teams during times of stress.

Our Crisis Coaching specialists:

  • Photo of David Owens, Founder & CEO of Risk-e Business Consultants

    Dave Owens, Founder & CEO

  • Photo of David Donohue, National Risk Consultant at Risk-e Business Consultants

    Dave Donohue, National Risk Consultant

  • Vanesa Nievas, Senior Risk Consultant

Examples of our Executive Coaching expertise:

Ready to lead with resilience in challenging times?