Loose Fill Asbestos Insulation NSW Taskforce Report
Disaster coordination
Asbestos is the name used for a group of naturally occurring minerals. They have resistance to high temperatures and fire and make effective insulators, and so were popular in building products in Australia from the 1940s to 1987, particularly roofing insulation. Asbestos is extremely fibrous and the tiny fibres are easily breathed in where they can become trapped in the lungs. Being exposed to asbestos increases the risk of developing cancers of the lung, ovary and larynx as well as mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lung). These cancers often develop decades after exposure to asbestos.
‘Mr Fluffy’ was a primary supplier of Loose Fill Asbestos Insulation (LFAI) and based a business out of Canberra. This business was attributed for the installation of LFAI into the ceiling of at least 1000 residential premises in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and an unknown number in New South Wales (NSW).
To address community concerns about LFAI, the NSW Government established the LFAI Taskforce (the Taskforce) on 19 December 2014 to assess and consider the cost and benefits of a Government purchase/demolition scheme and make recommendations on the most cost-effective options for Government. Dave Owens from Risk-e Business Consultants was appointed as the chair of the Taskforce and responsible for the following:
Coordination with the PricewaterhouseCoopers independent investigation
Advice and development of the Make Safe assistance package
Stakeholder engagement in an extremely hostile and emotional environment
Development of purchase/demolition options for Government (and associated costings)
Development of an Implementation Program.
In accordance with the Terms of Reference, we led the Taskforce members to consider a range of reports, investigation findings and other evidence to determine an appropriate and enduring solution to the risks posed by LFAI.