Transformational uplift to The Star Entertainment Group (NSW/QLD)

2022 witnessed several reviews into the casino industry in multiple states across Australia.

Risk-e Business has worked with The Star Entertainment Group in the latter part of 2022 into 2023 to review all investigative risks associated with their business, including the following:

  • Investigative obligations to law enforcement and regulatory oversight bodies

  • Identification and implementation of an IT solution to case management

  • Implementation of a governance structure for all operational matters

  • Integration of investigations into business functionality

  • Standard operating procedures developed in consultation with all stakeholders

  • Placement of a subject matter expert into General Manager position to assist with transformational uplift

  • Risk analysis on capabilities, both procedural and HR

  • Fraud risk analysis of internal and external threats


Evacuation planning for future developments


Foot and Mouth Preparedness for the NSW Government