Wingecarribee Shire Council Review

Wingecarribee Shire Council engaged Risk-e Business Consultants to undertake a review of Council’s response to the 2019/20 Black Summer Bushfires. The review examined Council’s response to the immediate emergency response and the short- and long-term bushfire recovery response. The review included feedback from community and agency stakeholders, as well as staff involved in the emergency response and recovery.

The brief requested the following:

  • Review Council’s response to the immediate bushfire emergency, including coordination of Local Emergency Management Committee, provision of immediate support for bushfire impacted residents and communication

  • Review Council’s short-term recovery response, including effectiveness of local recovery committees and participation of regional committees, establishment and implementation of recovery plans

  • Review of Council’s long-term recovery plans and implementation of actions

  • Application for and utilisation of Federal and State Government Bushfire Response and Recovery Funding

  • Effectiveness of Council’s Mayoral Relief Fund

Risk-e Business Consultants delivered the 100-page report on time with 44 recommendations for consideration by Council.

Read the report


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