Read the latest news and insights from our team
Menindee Mass Fish Death - From Beginning to End
Risk-e has been engaged by the EPA to develop (with extensive consultation) the Menindee Mass Fish Death Sub Plan.
Inland Rail and Risk-e Business Join Forces for Emergency Management Training
Risk-e joined forces with Inland Rail to provide a series of exercises and information sessions for staff, managers and the leadership team to develop their Crisis Management skills.
NSW Ambulance Paramedics Take Part in Exercise 'Volatus Aurora’ at Sydney Airport
NSW Ambulance paramedics took part in an exercise held at Sydney Airport recently, that was written and facilitated by Risk-e Business.
Major Emergency Response Exercise Successfully Completed at Sydney Airport
Sydney Airport engaged Risk-e Business to develop and facilitate a major exercise that simulated a no-notice crash landing and subsequent emergency response from all agencies.
Successful Completion of Major Exercise with Country Fire Authority Victoria
Risk-e Business is pleased to have completed a two-day major exercise with Country Fire Authority (CFA) Victoria. Our team traveled to Victoria to facilitate this comprehensive "catastrophic day" response exercise.
Country Fire Authority Victoria and Risk-e Business Exercising Together
Risk-e Business will facilitate the Country Fire Authority (CFA) Victoria two-day major exercise in October.
Proud to Partner with Country Fire Authority Victoria for Exercise Red Ember
Risk-e Business is proud to partner with the Country Fire Authority Victoria to write and facilitate Exercise Red Ember.
Risk-e Business and EPA Deliver Discussion Exercise in Menindee on Mass Fish Death
The EPA contracted Risk-e Business to undertake the development and delivery of an exercise in Menindee on a Mass Fish Death event.
Fresh Hope Communities & Risk-e Business Undertake Annual Emergency Management Exercise
Fresh Hope Communities exercised their Executive Critical Incident Team in a desktop exercise designed and delivered by Risk-e Business.
Facilitating a Major Airport Exercise in Partnership With Sydney Airport and Transport for NSW
Risk-e Business is partnering with Sydney Airport and Transport for NSW to develop and facilitate a major airport exercise.
Risk-e Business Partners With NSW EPA for Mass Fish Death Exercise at Menindee
In June 2024, Risk-e Business will travel to Menindee to conduct a one-day exercise focused on the newly developed Mass Fish Death Sub Plan.
Youth Off The Streets Desktop Exercise for Executive Members
Risk-e Business was proud to give back to the community by working with Youth Off The Streets in a crisis desktop exercise for executive members.